Lucy Faithfull Foundation
A new brand for this unique child protection charity

The Lucy Faithfull Foundation is the only UK child protection charity that seeks to prevent child sexual abuse before it happens.
Guided by research and data, its actions are innovative and bold. They equip policy makers, parents, carers and frontline workers with information and sources of help: face-to-face, over the phone and online.
But as the threats to child safety have evolved, especially online, years of developing and launching innovative initiatives had led to a patchwork of project names, services and websites.
Understanding the issues
Red Stone were brought onboard to bring clarity to the brand structure. We ran interviews, workshops and surveys, taking a deep dive to fully understand the Foundation’s work and varied audiences.
This led to our developing a new brand hierarchy – bringing services under a core brand umbrella, and developing a strengthened national presence in Scotland and Wales.

Bringing clarity
To articulate this refreshed approach, we developed a new purpose, mission, values and brand proposition.
This led to a root and branch renewal of the visual and verbal brand, to form a clear and cohesive brand experience – helping audiences more easily access the relevant services and support they need.

Drawing a line
The new brand reflects the ambition to stop child sexual abuse before it happens. Its core visual asset is a simple red line that denotes a barrier that should not be crossed – an opportunity to pause and move back.
This intervention is central to the charity’s ethos, that prevention should receive greater resourcing, rather than having to deal with the consequences of events.

Stop It Now
Lucy Faithfull Foundation’s major public-facing campaign, Stop It Now, is aimed at preventing online offending and has a unique confidential helpline.
The Stop It Now name was retained, as it is widely recognised both in the UK and internationally. Stop It Now has been given a distinctive visual identity with a tightly defined set of objectives.
Its position as a distinct sub-brand helps it resonate more clearly to its target audiences, who need specific support on this very sensitive subject.

The future
Child sexual abuse is a major public health problem affecting more than a million children under the age of 16 in the UK. All available evidence indicates that the risk to children has grown since the Covid-19 pandemic.
The rebrand marks an opportunity for the Lucy Faithfull Foundation to be bolder in advocating for the importance of prevention and a public health approach to tackling child sexual abuse. Their skills and commitment are needed more than ever.

Best Brand Awards 2024
Award of Excellence: Identity and logo design