British Business Bank
Reporting on small business support in challenging times

The first annual report under a refreshed brand
The Covid-19 crisis saw the British Business Business Bank assume a vital position as a source of support and financial guidance for small and medium sized businesses.
The 2020 annual report is the fourth we have designed, managed and produced for the bank. It’s also the first report under the refreshed brand, which we completed in early 2020.

What we delivered
– Reporting
– Website
– Stakeholder engagement, C-suite presentations
– Project management and copy proofing
– Photography and art direction
– Infographics, icon set
– Social assets
– Motion
– Print

Three reports in parallel
The Bank’s enhanced role required a larger, more complex report and in addition to a printed version, the project comprised a microsite, film and social posts.
The report’s design and production ran in parallel with the bank’s two other annual reports for British Business Investments and British Patient Capital which we also designed and produced.

Bringing the content to life
The challenges of Covid-19 meant that arranging photoshoots was impossible. In response, we used the new brand illustration style we created for the brand to bring the content to life.

International Annual Report Design Awards 2021 (IADA)
Gold: Best Annual Report
PRCA City and Financial Awards 2020
Finalist: Best annual report